Marxist Classics Vol. 1
Marxist Classics Vol. 2
Dialectical Materialism: An Introduction to Marxist Philosophy
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism
The Communist Manifesto
What Is Marxism?
Marxism and the Black Panther Party
What Is To Be Done?
Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution
Introduction to Marxist Economics
Frequently Asked Questions About Marxism
The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism
Socialism and the Struggle for LGBTQ Equality
Marxism and the USA
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Black Struggle and the Socialist Revolution
Marxism and Anarchism: An Introduction
State and Revolution
Colossus: The Rise and Decline of US Imperialism
Marxism and the Struggle for Women's Emancipation
Capitalism, Food, and the Environment
The Revolution Betrayed
What is Historical Materialism?
China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution
If America Should Go Communist
Art and the Class Struggle
Marxism vs Identity Politics
Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science (UK Edition)
How To Win Strikes
Understanding Marx's Capital: A Reader's Guide
In Defence of Marxism
Stalin by Leon Trotsky (with previously unpublished material from the Harvard archives)
Building the Revolutionary Party: New RCA Member Welcome Pack
Workers' Control and Nationalization
Israel-Palestine: A Revolutionary Way Forward
China's Long March to Capitalism
For Revolutionary Change, Not Climate Change!
Permanent Revolution In Latin America
The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects
Marxism and Religion
Materialism & Empirio-criticism
A Manifesto for America's Communist Generation
Marxism and Anarchism: A Collection of Writings
The Fight for a Mass Workers' Party in the US
Class Struggle and the American Revolution
Marxism and the State
The Spanish Revolution
Russia: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution
Germany 1918-1933: Socialism or Barbarism