Lenin Selected Writings Vol. 3: On the National Question
Lenin Selected Writings Vol. 2: The Revolutions of 1917
Communist Strategy & Tactics: Lessons from the Communist International
Communist Strategy & Tactics: Marxism, Mutual Aid, and Direct Action
Communist Strategy & Tactics: The Role of the Revolutionary Party
Communist Strategy & Tactics: How Marxists Use Bourgeois Elections
Communist Strategy & Tactics: Series of 4 Booklets
Lenin Selected Writings Vol. 1: On Imperialist War
Marxism vs Identity Politics
Reform or Revolution
The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective
Materialism & Empirio-criticism
For Revolutionary Change, Not Climate Change!
The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism
The Ideas of Karl Marx
Workers' Control and Nationalization
Marxism and the Black Panther Party
What is Historical Materialism?
Dialectical Materialism: An Introduction to Marxist Philosophy
Marxism and the Struggle for Women's Emancipation
Black Struggle and the Socialist Revolution
Marxism and the State
Marxism and Anarchism: An Introduction
Introduction to Marxist Economics
Capitalism, Food, and the Environment
Marxism and Religion