
Communist Strategy & Tactics: The Role of the Revolutionary Party

  • $ 5.00

"The Role of the Revolutionary Party" is a part of a series of 4 booklets on communist strategy & tactics, which you can purchase here for $15. These booklets can be read in any order:

  • How Marxists Use Bourgeois Elections
  • Lessons from the Communist International
  • Marxism, Mutual Aid and Direct Action
  • The Role of the Revolutionary Party

The ongoing decline of capitalist society has produced a new generation of communists and class-conscious workers, committed to overthrowing the capitalist system once and for all and beginning humanity’s transition to a communist society.

This will be the most complex historic act ever attempted. To succeed, we need to carefully study Marxist theory, analyze the experiences of our predecessors, and comprehend and act upon the central lesson of the previous century: the working class cannot take power unless it possesses a strong revolutionary party, which must be consciously built long in advance of the revolution. This is the undeniable conclusion of the entire history of the class struggle under capitalism.

This booklet includes excerpts from works by Lenin, Trotsky, Ted Grant, Alan Woods, and an introduction by Bryce Gordon.

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